The different types of oral sleep appliances and mandibular advancement devices
Oral Sleep Appliances are custom-made devices worn during sleep. They work by gently repositioning the lower jaw and tongue, opening the airway, and preventing obstruction.
There are different types of appliances, each with its own mechanism of action. The mandibular advancement device (MAD) is one of the most common types. As the name suggests, MADs work by advancing the lower jaw forward, which pulls the tongue and soft tissues away from the back of the throat, opening the airway.
Custom-made Mandibular Advancement Devices
The SomnoWell Chrome appliance is a custom-made mandibular advancement device. It advances the lower jaw using adjustable rods at the side (similar to a dental Herbst appliance), connecting the upper and lower parts of the appliance. The Somnowell is designed to be long-lasting and fits snugly over the teeth, with clasps holding the appliance in place. It is a complex and time-consuming appliance to produce, making it one of the most expensive but long-lasting oral sleep appliances available.
The Sleepwell appliance is a custom-made mandibular advancement device with an adjustment screw at the front. The appliance is made from clear acrylic, but some dental labs offer to make it in different colours. The adjustment screw provides an easy way to advance the lower jaw and allows for a wide range of precise adjustments. The lower splint fits into the bar on the adjustment screw, ensuring the lower jaw is kept in the desired position. The Sleepwell appliance is low profile and easy to wear.
The ProSomnus is a custom-made mandibular advancement device that uses two wings to advance the lower jaw forward. To achieve the desired level of advancement, patients are supplied with several top and bottom splints, each manufactured with a set amount of advancement. The appliance is made from clear acrylic and has a low profile, making it quite discreet and easy to wear.
The SomnoDent appliance is a custom-made mandibular advancement device that uses a combination of an adjustable screw (one on each side) and different-sized wings (coloured purple in the image) to move your lower jaw forward. This allows for a wide range of precise adjustments. The appliance is made from pink acrylic with a soft liner to ensure the teeth are held comfortably but securely.
Image (c) SomnoMed

βThe quality of my sleep had been deteriorating for several years and was having an impact on so many aspects of my life. I was very glad I decided to get an oral sleep appliance from my orthodontist, Dr Asif Chatoo. I wake up feeling rested and ready for the day.β
Patient at the London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic